The Green Lentil - Our Environment
Here at Lentil Marketing – We’re proud to do our bit for the planet, our home!
Back in 2021, we joined Ecologi and planted our first trees, becoming a Climate Positive Workforce.
Since then, we’ve planted more than 500 trees and helped to fund 30+ eco-friendly projects in developing communities around the world. The environment is important, not only to us but to every living thing on Earth. So, why not join us?
Two awesome ways you can join the fight today…
- Join Ecologi and plant your own forest – Click here.
- Join the Lentil Family – Our clients support our Green actions – Click here.
They even give us badges!
Affordable - Ethical - Marketing
Other ways that we do our bit for the world around us…
- Joining in with community litter pick projects.
- Buying from ethical, environmentally friendly suppliers – where possible.
- Buying & supporting local.
- Working from home – Saving on travel costs, carbon output etc.